ACI Strength Testing Technician Certification -
Study Workbooks & ASTM's will be mailed in advance.
Class policies & study videos are posted at
Bring: Gov't Issued Photo ID, workbook & folder, non-programmable calculator, Notepaper, #2 pencils, highlighter, PPE - safety glasses, gloves, steel toe shoes, work clothes
7:30am: Brief morning review, followed by written and performance exams.
This is a review class only. You are expected to study the materials and procedures before attending.
A detailed agenda will be mailed with course materials.
For more information visit this link to ACI's website.
This class must have a minimum of 10 registrants to take place.
South Dakota Ready Mix Concrete Association 5024 S Bur Oak Place #113A, Sioux Falls, SD 57108
Copyright SDRMCA