South Dakota Ready Mix Concrete Association

ACI Certification Programs Sponsored by SDRMCA

Please review the following prior to registering:

2024-25 SDRMCA Policies - Cancellation/Payment, Refunds, Students, ADA Accommodations, etc.

ADA Accommodations - Must be requested in Advance of Testing

Verify Certification/Expiration


If after 4-6 weeks from testing you have not received your scores in the mail or by email, you must contact 

ACI Certifications Department directly at 248-848-3790.  

Wondering if your certification has expired?  Check at

**Consultants doing inspection work for the SDDOT are now required to complete ACI Field Testing Certification and DOT Plus Training.  To be included on the SDDOT certification listing, submit your ACI information to SDDOT Certifications:

Illness & COVID 19:

SDRMCA reserves the right to implement additional COVID protocols as deemed appropriate for the safety of the examinees and volunteers throughout the event if conditions require.  Please reschedule and DO NOT ATTEND if you are feeling ill, have symptoms, have tested positive, or have been knowingly exposed to someone with COVID prior to class.  Contact SDRMCA at 605-274-0145 to reschedule.  

ACI Concrete FIELD Testing Technician, Grade 1 Certification:  Program Information  

You must be physically able to perform the tests or request ADA accommodations from ACI in advance of testing.

Upcoming South Dakota Test Dates:    

  March 18 & 19, 2025, Pierre, SD.  Classroom Review/Exams.  To Register:  Click Here

        May 20 & 21, 2025, Sioux Falls, SD (Summer Interns/SDDOT).  Classroom Review/Exams.  Registration opening soon or send email to  

Study Video Links:  ACI Field Testing Videos of procedures can be reviewed on the Colorado Ready Mix Concrete Assoc's Youtube channel:  CLICK HERE.  

SAMPLE Calculations,  SAMPLE solution sheets

Materials:  ASTM, ACI Study Workbook, Classroom Review, Written/Performance Exam Included.

ACI Concrete STRENGTH Testing Technician Certification:    Program Information 

You must be physically able to perform the tests or request ADA accommodations from ACI in advance of testing.

Upcoming Test Date:  

March 20, 2025, Pierre, SD.  Classroom Review/Exams.  To Register:  Click Here  ***Spots are open***  

   Materials:  ASTM, ACI Study Workbook, Written/Performance Exam Included. 

ACI Concrete FIELD Testing Technician - Written & Performance Exam RETEST Dates: 

Field Testing Retests can be completed at any of the events listed above or on the additional dates listed below for written only.  

Upcoming Test Dates:

Check back later for scheduled dates.  

     Written and Performance Retests may also be taken at any Field Testing Technician dates listed above.                 

ACI Concrete Flatwork Associate/Advanced Finisher Certification: Program Information

Upcoming Test Dates: 

April 17, 2025, Brookings, SD.  No Review/Exam Only.  To Register: email

Materials:  ACI Study Workbook, Written Exam Included

Work Experience Forms:  Click Here  

ACI Aggregate Testing Technician - Level 1 Certification:  

Upcoming Test Dates:

Check back later for retest dates.  

It is expected that attendees will have studied the material and practiced with equipment prior to arriving. 

Materials:  ASTM, ACI Study Workbook, Written/Performance Exam Included.       

ACI Aggregate Base Testing Technician Certification:  

Upcoming Test Dates:

Check back later for retest dates.  

It is expected that attendees will have studied the material and practiced with equipment prior to arriving. 

Materials:  ASTM, ACI Study Workbook, Written/Performance Exam Included.   

It is the intention of SDRMCA to assist all individuals interested in becoming ACI Certified, however, our space, courses, and schedules are limited. If you need additional assistance finding a program to meet your needs, please contact SDRMCA, visit, or check surrounding state associations to view additional program offerings.

Copyright SDRMCA

SDRMCA, 5024 S Bur Oak Place #113A, Sioux Falls, SD 57108

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